Felo德国菲龙是全球手动工具领域的领先专家。Felo Werkzeugfabrik最早成立于德国图林根,原名为Hammermühle,成立于1878年,是一家专门生产锤子、钳子和螺丝刀等锻造工具的工厂。 今天,它是高品质工具的领先专业制造商之一,拥有140年生产和销售高品质工具的经验。 Felo菲龙在出口方面很早就取得了成功,早在20世纪三十年代便使用了四种语言的目录,并申请了第一批国际专利。1950年,该公司迁往Neustadt(Hesse),并更名为Felo菲龙。 依靠持续的创新动力、卓越的质量意识和充满热情的团队,Felo菲龙成为世界领先的螺丝刀制造商之一。
Felo菲龙的历史可以追溯到1878年,最早成立的公司叫Hammermühle,是一家专门生产锤子、钳子和螺丝刀等锻造工具的工厂。 1950年,该公司迁往Neustadt(Hesse),更名为Felo菲龙。
Felo菲龙一直以来都非常注重海外市场,大约100年前,开始使用多语言目录。 Felo菲龙很早以前就调整了我们的产品分类和营销方案,以适应不同的市场和要求。 现在,Felo菲龙是一个全球化的手动工具厂家,产品出口到世界上40多个国家。
追求更好的工具一直是Felo菲龙的驱动力,并使创新成为我们产品系列的一个持续特征。 手动工具行业的多项前沿性技术应用,如双色材料手柄螺丝刀,钛涂层钻头和可换装刀片电工螺丝刀,都源于Felo菲龙的创新想法。 260项专利申请证明了Felo的创新力量!
Felo菲龙提供给客户超过2000种不同的日常使用的工具。 除此之外,Felo菲龙还生产相同数量的产品用于定制版本,作为专用工具和贴牌工具。 客户总会在Felo菲龙找到合适的解决方案来满足他们的需求。
Felo Werkzeugfabrik was founded as “Hammermuehle” in Thüringen, Germany. Today it is one of the leading specialists for quality tools. Already successful in exports, Felo used catalogues in four languages in the thirties and applied for the first international patents. Due to the effects of the second World War, the founding family had no other chance than leave Germany. They fled over the boarder to Hesse and shortly thereafter the production began in Neustadt under the FELO brand in 1950.
Felo grew from humble beginnings with two employees, a a typewriter and a customer file to an internationally working company with over 220 employees in Germany and Hungary. Through to tradition, quality awareness and innovation, Felo has become one of the world's leading manufacturers of screwdrivers and bits. More than 2000 stocked items are at the daily disposal of our customers. On top of this the same number of products is manufactured in customised versions, as special tools and under private label. Today in its fifth generation, Felo is the largest employer supplying Neustadt's customers in Germany and in more than 40 export markets.
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